
Allows you to call dot operator on a nullable type or an optional.

If there is no value inside, or it is null, dispatching will still work but will produce a series of no-ops.

Works with std.typecons.Nullable

If you try and call a manifest constant or static data on T then whether the manifest or static immutable data is called depends on if the instance is valid.

  1. auto oc(T value)
  2. auto oc(Optional!T value)
    auto ref Optional!T value
  3. auto oc(Nullable!T value)

Return Value

Type: auto

A type aliased to an Optional of whatever T.blah would've returned.

struct A {
    struct Inner {
        int g() { return 7; }
    Inner inner() { return Inner(); }
    int f() { return 4; }
auto a = some(A());
auto b = no!A;
auto c = no!(A*);
oc(a).inner.g; // calls inner and calls g
oc(b).inner.g; // no op.
oc(c).inner.g; // no op.
